Sunday, September 24, 2006

oreo's moment of glory!

currently listening to:all you ever wanted/train.

for those of you who know me in real life, you probably know that we have an adorable little(?) doggie named oreo. and guess what? this little doggie of ours was last night's hero.


as the youngest of the family and her friend were watching television last night, a huge, furry rat shot out from under the couch and straight for the door. the girl ran out of the room (not realizing that she was still carrying the remote control), screaming for her father to come down. "a rat! a rat!", she cried.

the rat ran around the house, frantically searching for a place to hide. he was running out of ideas. and so, he ended up going back to the place where he was discovered. the two children, carefully watching his every move, closed the door. the rat was trapped.

the father of the household came down the stairs, awakened by his daughter's cries. he quickly searched for materials he could use to trap the rat. when a makeshift device had been constructed, they opened the door and let the dog loose. "come on, oreo! find him!", they cheered.

the rat, frightened by oreo's not-so-attractive teeth, once again ran out from under the couch, and headed straight for the only exit from the room. he saw the pathetic little device that was supposed to trap him, he took a deep breath and scampered off through a hole and into the living room.

the father and the dog quickly agreed to form a team and catch the furry, filthy enemy.

the father, broom in hand, and the now hyperactive oreo, chased after the noisy little creature--trapping him whenever they could. but the rat was just to fast for them. around the three of them went (the father, the dog, and the rat--the two kids were just watching the action in amazement). oreo runs around, trapping and tiring the rat out until finally... the rat passes within the broom's reach... and WHAM! it curls up into a little ball! oreo quickly takes the gross (and now bleeding) filthy thing into his mouth, extremely happy with his team's victory.

the night has come and gone, and the family is still talking about oreo's moment of triumph. the rat is dead, the blood has been washed off the floors and the walls, but oreo's victory will forever remain in their hearts.

Monday, September 18, 2006


currently listening to: into the ocean/blue october.

to those of you who still care, i'm still alive. to those of you who don't, why are you reading my blog? you care, noh? i mean you obviously still care enough to check whether or not i still exist! ha! gotcha there! thanks so much for caring! it means so much to me! :):):)

but seriously speaking, life has been great. aside from the fact that i'm completely and utterly broke and unemployed, i'm happy... although my parents aren't as happy with my current status of bumhood. haha.

that's it for now. fabulous post, eh? again, thanks for caring :).

Friday, September 08, 2006


currently listening to: you get what you give/new radicals.

wow. i don't know how to sum up the past 2 weeks. it's been so unbelievably fabulous that i can't even attempt to describe how great the trip was, or explain the dozens of adventures we were on.

the pictures will come later on (there are too many to weed through), and the stories will probably only be told in person. but the appreciation i have for the people who i shared this trip with--that has to come today. here.

to kellyn, mao, mich, zeri, jv, robert, justin, and the entire kwan family: thank you for one of the best vacations of my life. i'm still hungover the fact that i just spent the last 2 weeks in breathtakingly beautiful places, doing things i never imagined i would do, with exceptionally great people.

and now back to reality.