Sunday, November 06, 2005


currently listening to:foolish games/jewel.

i'm beginning to believe that "doing the right thing" is impossible to do. there's no such thing. in situations like this... no one wins.

in most situations, it's always a matter of either putting yourself before others, or putting others before yourself. so which is supposed to go first?
how do you know what to do? how do you know who goes first?

how are you supposed to go on with your life, knowing that you put yourself first? knowing that you took the selfish route? how are you supposed to be happy knowing that someone else was affected greatly by your decision?

you can't. i can't.

on the other hand, how are you supposed to survive life knowing that what you did isn't what you wanted? are you supposed to be plastering fake smiles on your face for the rest of your life? are you supposed to live on the happiness that the other person feels, knowing that the happiness is not your own?

you can't. i can't.

we are a selfish, selfish, selfish species.

welcome, ladies and gentlemen... to life.


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