Saturday, February 11, 2006


currently listening to: dahil sa ulan/soapdish.

life is pretty much composed of routines. there are the big routines, such as the holidays celebrated year after year--birthdays, anniversaries, and christmas for example. but there are also the little routines--the ones that compose our day, the ones that compose our week. the daily showering at 2:30am or similar ungodly hours, the wiggling of feet before sleeping, etc.

but sometimes, no matter how many times you do a certain thing or pass a certain place, you realize there are things you are seeing only for the first time. i've promised myself to actually LOOK around now, as opposed to just passing through.

lately, i've been riding the LRT and MRT a lot. it's the cheapest way to meet up with my dad so i can hitch a ride home from school. i've come up with my own little routine or habits to get there. i text my dad when i get to a certain store. each day i like to alternate the paths i choose when i get to a fork in the mall. and i like to count my steps and compare them from the day before. haha.

what's my point?

nothing really. i just wanted to share that in the 10 billion and one times that i've walked by the bridge that connects the LRT to the MRT station, last thursday, i saw it for the very first time.

the "rotonda hotel", it was called. the one thing that literally made me laugh out loud as i walked alone, in the middle of a rush-hour crowd. the facade of their wall boasted, in humongous red block letters, of their "special features".

Rotonda Hotel
Special Features:
* service with a smile
* rooms with showers
* spacious and clean rooms
* reasonable prices
* no brownout

wow. one day, i SHOULD go to this hotel! no other hotel offers such a fabulously complete set of "features"! i mean.. NO BROWNOUT?! service... with a SMILE?!? CLEAN rooms!?! PINCH ME NOW, PLEASE!!! amazing.


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