Monday, March 06, 2006


currently listening to: i'm on my way/rich price.

flintstones, meet the flintstones, they're your modern stone-age family...

i woke up to my brother playing this on the piano. i got out of bed and went down to find that my whole family was eating lunch together--at the same time! oh how surprising a moment it was! it was no one's birthday, and we were actually complete at home and not at a restaurant! (sorry, my brother is married and doesn't live at home anymore, and all my siblings are aged 25+...being complete is rare!).

it was quite the weekend. it was full of sleep, music, and a whole lot of being at home. the highlights of the past 2 days are a hug from my sister, a hug from my other sister, going to mass with my brother, the visit from my other brother and his wife, and a sunday lunch at home with my family. period.

i am a family person. i used to be one--and apparently-- i still am one. although i had believed that the "family must always be together!" side of me no longer existed or cared, i turned out to be wrong. and i'm so, so, so glad i am.


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