Sunday, December 17, 2006

on changes.

currently listening to: desire/ryan adams.

things are changing so quickly. too quickly.

it's been MONTHS since graduation, but somehow, it only really begins to sink in today how much things have changed and how much people have moved on.

i had lunch with very good college friends (hello k,j,j&j!) today. it was bittersweet because although it was great seeing them again, i knew it was also the last time i was going to see one of them for a LoOoOoNG time because he's graduating and moving back to the province tomorrow =(. it was also weird hearing about their drinking escapades with their officemates or about things that happened with their thesis group or newfound friends--things that didn't involve me at all.

i went online to read a friend's status message saying something like, "IT'S TIME! SEE YOU IN ASIAN HOSPITAL!". i found out a few weeks ago that him and his girlfriend were going to have a baby boy (apparently tonight), and it's just weird because the last time i saw them, she wasn't even pregnant yet.

i checked my multiply account to find that pictures of G&W 2007's christmas party were uploaded. i looked at them and realized that i didn't know everyone anymore, and that it was no longer my G&W batch. it's a new batch of people going to overnights, sleeping in the office, and complaining about bad write-ups. sigh.

it's the same story: blogs, friendster and multiply accounts (and apparently even YM status messages) tell me that the world has moved on--and that it will continue to move on. i'm sad but happy at the same time. i'm extremely happy that things are working out so well for the people i love...

...i just need a little less self-pity to realize that certain things don't include me anymore. but i'm working on it :).

***end of useless and pointless dramatic post***


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